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Network security and compliance at scale

Network Hardening

Protect your network with best practice security checks and risk prioritized results


Network Hardening: Routers, Switches and Firewalls

Firewalls cannot solve today's most urgent security priorities. Which is not surprising when, according to Forrester, 80% of network traffic is inside the perimeter.

The security of routers and switches, is therefore as important as firewall security. Each device is managed through a complex configuration, and misconfigurations – either accidental or deliberate – represent critical vulnerabilities that pose significant risk to the network, its data, applications and ultimately an organization’s security.

With networks changing on a daily basis, it is essential to quickly and accurately identify any misconfigured or vulnerable devices. 

Nipper and Nipper Enterprise analyze network configurations with the precision of a pentester, automating best practice security checks to assess whether configurations adhere to vendor hardening and network infrastructure hardening best practices.

ICON - Network Hardening - Enterprise

Determine where networks need hardening

Automate security checks to accurately assess whether configurations adhere to vendor hardening and network infrastructure hardening best practices.

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Prioritize findings based on risk to the network

Suppress irrelevant findings and prioritize risks by criticality; visualize the significance of misconfigurations and vulnerabilities according to CVSS, STIG, Cisco SIR, and Nipper's own trusted risk criticality rating system. 

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Inform remediation workflows

Automatically analyse the impact of exploitation, ease of exploitation and ease of fix, to prioritize remediation that hardens the network most effectively. 

Titania research report cover titled, 'The impact of exploitable misconfigurations on network security.'

Research Report

Research shows that exploitable network misconfigurations cost organizations 9% of total annual revenue.

Person looking at report recommendations on laptop.

Automate Best Practice Security Checks

Determine where networks fail to adhere to vendor hardening guides, whilst also checking for software vulnerabilities against CIS Benchmarks, Cisco PSIRT and NIST NVD.

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Reduce Mean Time to Detect Vulnerabilities

By virtually modelling and analyzing the entire configuration as a single entity, Nipper provides advanced network contextualization to suppress findings and reduce audit times by up to 80%.

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Person looking at pass/fail evidentiary reports on laptop.
Exclamation mark symbolising network security alert.

Prioritize Remediation of Exploitable Risks

Network vulnerabilities are prioritized according to network criticality with mitigation advice to inform remediation workflows, informing POAMs and allowing you to fix vulnerabilities in a risk-prioritized order.

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Deliver Security from CIS Compliance

Automate an accurate, timely, and scalable approach to CIS compliance, ensuring proactive security as key to protecting networks from preventable attacks.

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Female cyber security professional looking at network segmentation in work flow on computer.

Continuous Network Security &
Compliance, at Scale

Nipper Enterprise provides continuous monitoring to protect your network.

Explore Related Resources

New Report Reveals Exploitable Network Misconfigurations Cost Organizations 9% of Total Annual Revenue

New Report Reveals Exploitable Network Misconfigurations Cost Organizations 9% of Total Annual Revenue

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide


Looking for an automated way to:

  • Proactively harden your network?

  • Accelerate remediation with risk prioritized findings?

  • Validate the security of every router, switch and firewall, every day?