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Continuous monitoring at scale

Configuration Drift Monitoring

Continuously assessing the security and compliance status of the entire network

Modern networks contain hundreds of thousands of devices and potentially millions of endpoints. All of which need to maintain a secure configuration that matches both network policy and functional intent. Where configurations change over time – typically as a result of internal network operators altering the configuration – the drift can result in unintended security gaps.

Most of this activity is not malicious in intent but nevertheless results in potentially critical security and operational problems. Largely through the unwitting interaction of configurable items – for example, routing changes or firewall rules. Which is why monitoring configuration drift is now considered a key foundational component of establishing a defendable network and Zero Trust Architecture baselines.

ICON - Zero Trust - Enterprise

Establish a baseline that is compliant with security policies and Zero Trust architecture

Nipper can deliver a fast and efficient process for establishing a baseline, not only detecting misconfigurations but also prioritizing them by risk to the network and providing remediation advice allowing security gaps to be closed as soon as possible after they appear.

ICON - Configuration Drift Monitoring - Enterprise

Proactively assess for configuration drift

Achieve continuous asset monitoring by proactively assessing for configuration changes, between scheduled audits in Nipper Enterprise.

ICON - Software Vulnerability Management - Enterprise

Analyze exposure due to misconfiguration risks

Automate audits against STIGs, CCI, NIST SP 800-53 and/or the MITRE ATT&CK® framework to understand the extent to which the network is exposed due to misconfigurations.

"Human error creates the biggest [security] threat. Technicians can inadvertently misconfigure devices, opening up holes. We need to go back and validate configs." DISA
Person looking at pass/fail evidentiary reports on laptop.

Establish a Zero Trust Base Line

Determine the security and compliance state of every network device, every day, with ‘pass/fail’ evidence of compliance with vendor hardening and security controls.

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Monitor Trends in Security Posture

Detect and monitor network security posture trends over time, including configuration drift critical risk exposure, mean time to remediate, and compliance posture over time.

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Female cyber security professional working at office desk, looking at dashboard showing network security posture.
Cyber security professional speaking on headset and monitoring network security

Monitor Planned Configuration Changes

Gain assurance that planned network changes have not created new vulnerabilities within the network.

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Alert to Unplanned Changes

Proactive security with alerts for unplanned changes to the network acting as potential indicators of compromise.

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Exclamation mark symbolising network security alert.

Continuous Network Security &
Compliance, at Scale

Nipper Enterprise provides continuous configuration drift monitoring that is essential to protect your network and foundational for Zero Trust architectural baselines.

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Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

 State sponsored attacks exploit publicly known vulnerabilities. Early detection of such attacks is vital.

State sponsored attacks exploit publicly known vulnerabilities. Early detection of such attacks is vital.

What is Zero Trust and how can it be achieved?
Technical Brief

What is Zero Trust and how can it be achieved?


Looking for continuous assessment to: 

  • Monitor configuration drift?

  • Validate the security of every router, switch and firewall, every day?