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Continuous compliance at scale

CMMC Compliance

Proactive CMMC compliance assessments and risk-prioritized remediation with Certified-Assessor-ready reports

Supply Chain Security: Evidence-based Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Compliance

All DoD prime contractors and sub-contractors handling FCI and CUI must identify, assess and mitigate supply chain-related security threats in their networks through obtaining CMMC 2.0 certification. Aligning to federal government security efforts demonstrates that they can protect their government customers, as well as themselves, from threat-actors.

Nipper solutions are trusted by US military and civilian federal agencies and their prime and sub-contractors to accurately automate network device assessments against trusted security benchmarks and risk management frameworks, including CMMC.

ICON - Configuration Drift Monitoring - Enterprise

Assess for configuration drift

Gain immediate awareness of any device configuration changes, providing assurance that planned network changes have not created new vulnerabilities as well as alerting to unplanned changes.

ICON - Evidence-based compliance - Enterprise

Validate compliance with evidence

Accurately automate the assessment of CMMC network security practices relating to network devices, providing pass/fail evidence of compliance in assessor-ready reports.

ICON - Compromise Non-Compliance - Enterprise

Improve compliance posture

Prioritize risk by network criticality and receive device-specific guidance on how to fix misconfigurations, informing POAMs and decreasing remediation time.

ICON - Proactive Audits - Enterprise

Continuously validate devices

Determine the security and compliance state of every network device, every day, with ‘pass/fail’ evidence of compliance with vendor hardening guides and security controls.


Research Report

This study reveals that an average of 51 network device misconfigurations were discovered in a two-year period with 4% deemed to be critical vulnerabilities that could take down the network within the U.S. Federal Government.


Take a Proactive Approach to CMMC

Establish a baseline to use when creating a roadmap to compliance. Once CMMC 2.0 is codified, organizations in the DoD supply chain will begin being contractually required to adhere to the updated framework.

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Assure Continuous Compliance

Detect non-compliances and effectively manage configuration drift with CMMC assessments of every router, switch and firewall, on an up-to-hourly basis.

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Automate Assessor-ready Reporting

Simplify compliance reporting processes for CMMC network infrastructure requirements with Certified-Assessor-ready reports within minutes.

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Prioritize Remediation of Exploitable Risks

Determine which software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to fix first using automated prioritization of findings with mitigating advice to inform remediation workflows. Quickly and accurately check devices are configured according to vendor hardening guides and comply with organizational/ regulatory security policies.

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Deliver Security from CMMC Compliance

Automate an accurate, timely, and scalable approach to CMMC compliance, ensuring proactive security as key to protecting agency and supply chain networks from preventable attacks.

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Continuous Security & Compliance, at Scale

Nipper Enterprise delivers fast, accurate visibility of network configuration posture at scale to ensure ongoing compliance in accordance with CMMC requirements.

Explore Related Resources

New Report Reveals Exploitable Network Misconfigurations Cost Organizations 9% of Total Annual Revenue

New Report Reveals Exploitable Network Misconfigurations Cost Organizations 9% of Total Annual Revenue

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

CMMC Mapping Document
Mapping Documents

CMMC Mapping Document


Looking for continuous configuration assessment to:

  • Evidence compliance with CMMC and NIST SP 800-171?

  • Minimize your attack surface?

  • Validate the security of every router, switch and firewall, everyday?