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Minimizing the Attack Surface

Attack Surface Management Assurance

Proactive asset assessments and risk-prioritized remediation to demonstrably reduce your network infrastructure attack surface against known attack vectors

ASM Assurance: Continuous Asset Assessments

What was secure yesterday at the point of audit, is not necessarily secure today. Which is why security and compliance frameworks are increasingly recommending a Zero Trust approach to continuous monitoring of the entire attack surface.

Nipper Enterprise delivers an innovative and practical way to do this, at scale, based on the MITRE ATT&CK® framework. For all your network infrastructure devices – the solution provides the insight needed to guide remediation workflows, improve incident prevention and assure ASM.

Nipper Enterprise also enables ASM Forensics to enhance the effectiveness of incident response.

ICON - Configuration Drift Monitoring - Enterprise

Proactively assess for configuration drift 

Achieve continuous asset monitoring by proactively assessing for configuration changes, between scheduled audits in Nipper Enterprise.

ICON - Incident Prevention - Enterprise

Reduce attack surface through incident prevention

Inform remediation workflows by automatically prioritizing the mitigation of threats in the wild.

ICON - ASM Forensics - Enterprise

Enhance threat hunting and incident response

Use historic and current security and compliance posture reports at the point of compromise to forensically examine how attacks could have proliferated and determine the extent of compromise.


On the radar: Nipper Enterprise

Nipper Enterprise provides organizations with a risk-prioritized view of their Attack Surface Management posture, together with a plan of actions to be taken and the milestones against which they can measure their progress.

Proactively Minimize the Attack Surface

Sync your CMDB or config repository with Nipper Enterprise to proactively assess config changes between scheduled audits, and automatically prioritize remediation through an attacker’s lens.

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Enhance Incident Prevention

Implement risk-prioritized advice to accelerate remediation of detected misconfigurations and/or known software vulnerabilities to prevent incidents, then evidence posture pre and post remediation with drill down to the checks performed.

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Demonstrably Improve MITRE ATT&CK Posture

Identify which tactics and techniques your network is exposed to and the potential impact to the network if specific software vulnerabilities and/or misconfigurations are exploited, to focus remediation resources on demonstrably improving posture.

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Inform Threat Hunting Teams

Use ASM forensics to examine posture at the point of initial compromise to determine how the attack could have proliferated based on network segmentation and device vulnerability at that time.

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Enhance Incident Response

Respond to attacks effectively by forensically examining the extent of compromise based on historic and current MITRE ATT&CK posture reports.

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Continuous Network Security &
Compliance, at Scale

Nipper Enterprise provides continuous ASM assurance

Explore Related Resources

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

On the radar: Nipper Enterprise

On the radar: Nipper Enterprise

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Emerging Best Practice in the Use of Proactive Security Solutions


Looking for an automated way to:

  • Proactively minimize your attack surface?

  • Determine exposure to threats in the wild?

  • Assist your threat hunting and incident response teams?