Digital Fire Doors: The Frontline Defenders Against Ransomware and For Maintaining Secure & Resilient Operations
This Digital Fire Doors presentation was given by Ian Robinson (Titania) and Jim Seaman (Centurion Consulting) at the PCI Europe Community Meeting in 2024.
While routers, switches, and firewalls are more complex than physical fire doors, they serve a similar purpose. These devices act as digital defenses against cyber attacks and prevent full-scale network disasters by stopping digital threats.
A proactive approach and effective network segmentation is key for maintaining secure and resilient operations. Networks must continuously be checked for opportunities for ransomware to take hold and risk prioritized by criticality. And, it must be ensured that the deployed safeguard measures continue to be effective in shutting those fire doors and ultimately shutting down attacks. Nipper solutions are designed to help network owners assure network devices are correctly configured and vulnerabilities mitigated.
Watch the presentation to hear more from our Chief Architect, Ian Robinson. Or visit our products page to learn more about Nipper Solutions.